What Tacoma Flood Restoration Contractors Can Do For You

Residential flood events are nothing short of devastating. Whether you have a burst pipe, a malfunctioning appliance, a whole-house plumbing backup, or entering water from heavy rainwater and snow-melt, it’s important to put professional clean-up crews on the job. At Construction Services, we help homeowners restore normalcy and order to their living environments, protect their real estate investments, and get on with their lives. Read on to find out what our Tacoma flood restoration contractors can do for you.

According to the U. S. Centers for Disease Control, it only takes between 36 and 48 hours for mold spores to form after a flood. To avoid widespread mold issues, declining indoor air quality, and mold-related health problems, you must dry the affect areas out completely and expeditiously. Unfortunately, opening up your windows and doors and suctioning up standing water with a wet-dry vacuum is hardly enough.

When water enters building, it saturates porous building materials. Wood and other elements can harbor moisture in air pockets for weeks on end. We use high-end tools to prevent this from happening. Within just minutes of arriving, we’ll set up blowers, air movers, dryers, fans, and other equipment to completely eradicate trapped moisture. As needed, we’ll also apply commercial-grade sanitizing and deodorizing solutions. We stop mold from forming so that homeowners don’t have to deal with costly, months-long mold remediation plans.

You can also count on our team to help you determine which items and structures are worth salvaging and which need replacing. We’ll removed all damaged drywall, baseboards, furnishings, and other effects. We’ll also coordinate our efforts with your insurance company’s adjuster so that you can get the maximum amount for your claim and avoid unfortunate claims denials and delays.

With our vast range of services, we can provide many of the interventions you need for flood damage restoration right in-house. When required, we can also coordinate with outside contractors to facilitate rapid plumbing repairs, grading corrections, and other improvements to both stop flooding and prevent it from happening again. With our help, you can protect your health and your home’s value and put this devastating event behind you. To find out more about our water damage restoration services or get started, give Construction Services of Tacoma, WA a call today!